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The name of this Corporation shall be Waterford Corsairs Youth Football and Cheer Association (formerly known as Waterford Corsairs Little League Association).  




This Corporation is organized as a 501(c)(3) Domestic Nonprofit Corporation to educate and instruct football and cheerleading skills to boys and girls ages 5 – 13 without regard to race, creed, color, or religion.  The purpose is to teach basic skills, teamwork, improve physical, mental, and moral well-being, develop a good sense of fair play and good sportsmanship.  The Corporation shall provide competent and skilled coaches, practice field, game facilities and protective equipment in an attempt to minimize the risk of harm to the physical health and welfare of the participants.  It shall provide for equal competitive standards which emphasize participation rather than winning, so that the emotional health and welfare of the participants involved may be enhanced.  It shall receive, invest, and disburse funds and hold property for the purposes of the Corporation.  



Section 1:  Participants 


Participants shall be the boys and girls who sign up, pay the required registration fees, and are accepted into the program. 

Section 2: General Membership 


Any parent, or legal guardian, of a Participant, or listed volunteer in good standings which may be appointed or are volunteering to work in any capacity deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors, shall be a Member and have a vote at the election of officers. There shall be no more than two (2) votes per family/household.

Section 3:  Registration Fees 


The Board of Directors shall establish the registration fee for participants.  The process for billing and collection of fees shall be in a manner approved by the Board of Directors.   

Section 4: Voting 


Voting rights are vested solely to the Board of Directors except for the annual Executive Board elections.

Section 5: Removal  


The Board of Directors, by a two third vote of the entire Board of Directors, may suspend or expel any Director, volunteer, general member, or participant upon evidence of the violation of the bylaws, public laws, code of conduct, or any action negatively impacting on the purpose or administration of the organization.  The Director, volunteer, general member, or participant in question shall be entitled to an open hearing with stated written charges and the opportunity to be heard by the Board prior to any such vote of removal. 



Section 1: Board of Directors 


All Corporate Power shall be exercised by the board of directors and the business and affairs of the corporation shall be controlled by or under the authority of the board of directors. Officers and directors shall be 18 years or older, pass a standard background check, and share the mission and vision of the Waterford Corsairs Little League Association. One person may hold not more than one position on the Board of Directors.  

Section 2: Membership of Board of Directors


The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President of Franchise Operations, General Manager of Football Operations, General Manager of Cheerleading Operations, Secretary and Treasurer and appointed Trustees.


Section 3: Number, Tenure, and Qualifications  


The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than 10 members with terms of one year or until the next annual meeting or appointment.   Acting Head Coaches and persons affiliated with another franchise or officers of Oakland Macomb Youth Football Association are not eligible to be on the Board of Directors.  The coaches and team parents are welcomed and encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings and actively participate. 

Section 4:  Annual Meeting 


An annual meeting shall be held in December of each year, or as soon thereafter as convenient, for electing the Executive Board members for the following calendar year.  The candidates shall be diverse, with every effort made to represent all areas of both football and cheerleading across all squads.  The Vice President of Franchise Operations shall chair a recruiting committee to obtain recommendations for candidates to fill positions. 

Section 5:  Regular Meetings 


Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly at a time and place designated by the President and approved by the Board of Directors.  These meetings are open to the public and will be posted for participants and members to join in the discussions. These meetings shall be the 2nd Tuesday of each consecutive month unless otherwise scheduled and during the season shall be set every two weeks at the field. The Board may call for private executive sessions to discuss sensitive personal issues and deliberations which minutes will be completed and made public at a reasonable time thereafter as directed by the President.   

Section 6: Special Meetings 


Other special meetings may be held at the call of the President or called by a minimum of four members of the Board of Directors with reasonable notice of time, purpose and location of the meeting provided to all board members.  Corporate business may be conducted at a special meeting if a quorum is present consisting of a majority of directors participating in person, by phone, by email or Zoom conference. 

Section 7:  Quorum 


A majority of the Board of Directors participating shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors. If less than a majority of the Board of Directors is present at said meeting no votes shall be taken, However, the President may adjourn to a subsequent date with authority as President to act for the good of the organization pending approval of the Board based on his best discretion and advice by the Board participating. Any such unilateral act by the President shall be approved or corrected at the next meeting of the Board.  

Section 8:  Proxy  


Board of Directors members shall be allowed to vote by proxy on a specific question of which they have had previous notice.  Such a proxy must be presented to the Secretary in a sealed envelope or by email, social media, or by text to be opened at the meeting which has been called to vote on the specified issue under consideration.  If the Secretary is unavailable, the proxy shall be delivered to the presiding officer.


Section 9: Vacancies: 


A vacancy on the Board of Directors may be filled with a person nominated by the President and approved by a majority of the remaining Board of Directors voting at the meeting.  

Section 10:  Compensation  


All officers, trustees, directors, and Head Coaches be credited with one half (1/2) off registration for one child each season they are duly working in their position.  If no qualified child of an officer, trustee,  director or head coach is participating in the organization, the officer, trustee, director or head coach may scholarship a participant or authorize the Board of Directors to scholarship a qualifying participant in need of scholarship. 

Section 11: Formal Action by Directors 


Any action by the Board of Directors may be taken without meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action to be taken,

has been signed by a majority of the directors. 

Section 12: Attendance 


All Board of Directors are expected to attend all regular meetings.  If attendance is not possible the member shall notify the President or the Secretary prior to the meeting.  If three (3) regular meetings are missed in a calendar year, with or without notification to the President or Secretary, the member may be removed by a majority or 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. 

Section 13:  Executive Board 


Officers of the corporation shall include President, Vice President of Franchise Operations, Secretary, Treasurer, General Manager of Football, and General Manager of Cheerleading. 

Section 14: Trustees and Committee Chairman


Trustee and committee chairman shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, and consist of the Trustee of Fundraising, Trustee of Equipment, Trustee of Communications, Trustee of Team Parents, Trustee of Concessions, Trustee of Football, and Trustee of Cheer and such other Trustees as directed by the Board.  All Trustees and Committee Chairman shall be responsible to the Board of Directors. 


Section 15:  Elections and Term of Office 


The general membership, by a majority vote, shall elect the Executive Board of the Corporation annually.  Each Officer shall hold the current office until a successor has been duly elected.


Section 16: Board of Director Requirements Elected Positions 


1) President: 

The President Shall be the executive officer of the Corporation and shall supervise all the business and daily affairs of the Corporation.  The President shall attend or delegate all OMYFA league meetings on a monthly basis and communicate any and all important information to the Board of Directors.  The president shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, ensuring that all meetings are run in an organized fashion, giving everyone the ability to be heard, as well as call for votes to decide any issues. The president shall ensure that the Secretary records all voting results in the meeting minutes.  The president shall vote on an issue only in the event of a tie.  He/She may sign, authorize any deeds, mortgages, bonds contracts or other instruments to be executed, as approved by the Board of Directors unless the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors to a different officer or agent for execution. The president shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the president and other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.  As President He/She is required to be an ex-official member of all standing committees and subcommittees, the President shall have one (1) vote to break a tie at all committee or subcommittee meetings.  If a vacancy occurs in any committee or subcommittee the president shall pending board approval appoint a new chairperson for any committee or subcommittee held until the next annual meeting.  The President will work with the Vice President of Franchise Operations to review questionable background checks and decide whether to sign off and submit to League officials.  The President shall have the power to table or withhold action on issues as in his or her discretion such withholding for study or unhurried consideration is required for the good of the Corporation. The President shall host individual beginning of the season meetings for all parents, team parents, and coaches.  The President will attend a yearly affiliation meeting with the Parks and Rec where he/she will present our annual report including financial statement and receive the rental agreement for the practice fields. The President will be responsible for coordinating all requirements at the practice field including, Portal Johns maintenance, garbage disposal, field painting, etc.    The President will attend a yearly meeting with the Athletic Director of the school district to secure rental agreement for home game fields. The President as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down. The President should be available as a backup for coverage of the admissions trailer and/or concessions on home gamedays. The President shall work with the Treasurer to ensure all taxes and annual documents are completed yearly keeping us in good standings with 501 (c)(3) requirements. The President shall hold all members accountable to the bylaws of both our organization as well as league requirements. The President will work with the executive board to always protect the brand as well as take the necessary steps within the bylaws to correct any behavior that may harm the Corsair brand.  


2)  Vice President of Franchise Operations 

In the absence of the President or as directed by, the Vice President of Franchise Operations shall perform the duties of the President and when so acting shall have all the powers, responsibilities as well as be subject to all the restrictions of the President.  The Vice-President of Franchise Operations shall oversee all activities relating to all committees and subcommittees perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or Board of Director.  As Vice President of Franchise Operations, he /she are required to be an ex-official member of all standing committees and subcommittees. The Vice President of Franchise Operations shall attend or delegate all OMYFA league meetings and communicate any and all-important information to the Board of Directors.  The Vice President of Franchise Operations will work with the Secretary to monitor the organization email. The Vice-President of Franchise Operations will also work with the President to recruit individuals as potential Board of Director members. The Vice President of Franchise Operations will work with the General Manager of Football and Cheerleading to recruit head coaches. The Vice President of Franchise Operations will collect and review all applications for executive board, trustee positions and head coaching positions.  The Vice President of Franchise will ensure that background checks are performed on all persons holding a Board of Directors position as well as all Corsair personnel and or volunteers having regular contact with the youth participants. The Vice President of Franchise Operations will review with the President any questionable background checks and decide whether to sign-off and submit to league officiates. The Vice President of Franchise Operations shall coordinate the Heads-up concussion training to all volunteers having regular contact with the youth participants, as well as obtaining a copy of the valid certificates upon completion. The Vice President of Franchise Operations will provide a binder that includes a copy of all background checks and Heads-up Certificates as required by the league. The Vice President of Franchise Operations will provide required board members with a trailer key at the beginning of the season as well as collect all keys at the end of each term. (Locks should be updated every other year or if majority board members are replaced.)  The Vice President of Franchise Operations is responsible for maintaining a full charge on all walkie talkies as well as making them available to all required board members at every home game. The Vice President of Franchise Operations as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down. The Vice President of Franchise Operations should be available as a backup for coverage of any position needed on game day. The Vice President of Operations shall work with the Treasurer to ensure all taxes and annual documents are completed yearly keeping us in good standings with 501 (c)(3) requirements. The Vice President of Franchise Operations shall hold all members accountable to the bylaws of both our organization as well as league requirements. The Vice President of Franchise Operations will work with the executive board to always protect the brand as well as take the necessary steps within the bylaws to correct any behavior that may harm the Corsair brand.}  The Vice President of Franchise Operations will collect keys, debit cards, and other equipment and put them on hold at the end of each season, as well as reissue them to new board members. 


3) General Manager of Football  

In the absence of the President and Vice President of Franchise Operations or in the event their inability or refusal to act the General Manager of Football shall perform the duties of the President and when so acting shall have all the powers, responsibilities as well as be subject to all the restrictions upon the President.  The General Manager Football may be required to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or Board of Directors from time to time.  The General Manager of Football shall handle all game day and practice field football related affairs, which includes the coordination of field setup/breakdown for all home games. The General Manager of Football is responsible for enforcing Corsair rules, and policies and procedures as set for by the Corsairs Board of Directors, Bylaws and Code of Conduct are being followed by the coaches, participants, spectators, and field volunteers on the practice field and game day field.  The General Manager of Football is also to ensure that participants are being allowed and required to compete on fair and equal ground as noted in the Articles of Incorporation, of these By-Laws.  The General Manager of Football is also to ensure that participants are being safely taught and that accepted methods of practice deemed age appropriate by the Board of Directors of the Waterford Corsairs.  The General Manager of Football as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down. The General Manager of Football shall attend or delegate all OMYFA league meetings monthly and communicate any and all-important information to the Board of Directors. The General Manager of Football is to attend all board meetings, if unavailable is responsible for finding a substitute. The General Manager of Football is responsible for having off season meetings with coaching staff to ensure everyone is on the same page with offensive/defense playbooks, as well as teaching the verbiage in the playbook and ensuring it is relayed to the kids properly.  The General Manager of Football is to work with the Equipment Manager ensuring all training equipment is in working condition prior to the start of the season and assist in replacing any rejected equipment. The General Manager of Football is responsible for making sure the scale is serviced at the start of the new season (take to Nu-way by mid-June to ensure it is returned by the start of the season). The General Manager of Football as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down. The General Manager of Football is responsible for maintaining weigh-ins for each level at each game. The General Manager of Football is responsible for creating and maintaining spotter sheets for each level at all games, this includes recording the final score on the sheets and emailing to the league prior to leaving the gameday field. The General Manager of Football is responsible for maintaining the of field accident report book and have it available at every game. The General Manager of Football is to coordinate with both High School Programs regarding camps and youth nights for the upcoming season as well as working with The General Manager of Cheerleading to plan our camp around their availability.  The General Manager of Football is to plan and coordinate a pre-season scrimmage with other cities. The General Manager of Football is also to recruit potential coaching candidates as well as make head coaching recommendations to the Board.  


4) General Manager of Cheerleading

In the absence of the President, Vice President of Franchise Operations, and General Manager of Football the General Manager Cheerleading will perform the duties of the President.  When so acting as President shall have all the powers, responsibilities as well as be subject to all the restrictions upon the president.  The General Manager of Cheerleading may be required to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the President or Board of Directors from time to time.  The General Manager of Cheerleading shall handle all game day, practice field and Cheer competitions and all other Cheerleading related affairs.  The General Manager of Cheerleading is responsible for enforcing Corsair rules, policies, and procedures as set forth by the Waterford Corsairs Board of Directors and such are followed by the coaches, participants, spectators, field volunteers on the practice field. The General Manager of Cheerleading shall attend or delegate all OMYFA league meetings monthly and communicate any and all-important information to the Board of Directors. The General Manager of Cheerleading is to attend all board meetings, if unavailable is responsible for finding a substitute.   The General Manager of Cheerleading as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down. The General Manager of Cheerleading is to monitor, report and advise the Board regarding accepted methods and practices deemed age appropriate by the Board of Directors of the Waterford Corsairs Little League Association, this includes ensuring there is not there is no stunting between teams.  The General Manager of Cheerleading is to coordinate with both High School Programs regarding camps and youth nights for the upcoming season as well as working with The General Manager of Football to plan our camp around their availability. The General Manager of Cheerleading is to act as representatives for coaches during in season meetings.  The General Manager of Cheerleading is to ensure all required documents are submitted accurately and timely to the league.  The General Manager of Cheerleading is to ensure all required cheer-off documents are submitted accurately and timely to the league. The General Manager of Cheerleading is responsible for distributing all cheer-off documents as well as collecting them with all required monies and submitting them to the league by the due date. The General Manager of Cheerleading is responsible for securing an indoor cheer facility approved by the board and as well as providing the transportation of the cheer trailer for indoor practices. The General Manager of Cheerleading needs to work with the Equipment Manager to make sure all cheer equipment is in good condition and order replacement when needed. The General Manager of Cheerleading needs to keep record of all parts of cheer uniforms and ensure they are in good condition ordering replacements if needed.  The General Manager of Cheerleading is responsible for sizing all cheerleaders to the best size uniform available and distributing all uniform parts to each cheerleader prior to the first game of the season. The General Manager of Cheerleading is also to recruit potential coaching candidates as well as make head coaching recommendations to the Executive Board.   

5) Treasurer 

The Treasurer shall have charge and custody over the corporate funds and securities.  The Treasurer shall keep accurate books and records of corporate receipts and disbursement. These records are to be reported on and made available on request to the Board Officers.  The Treasurer is responsible for collecting all monies due the corporation.  The Treasurer must provide receipts to the Trustees, committees or subcommittees for funds received upon request.  No monies are to be turned over to the treasurer, until it is counted and confirmed by at least one other member of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies and securities received by the corporations within Five (5) business days of collecting such funds. The Treasurer as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down. The Treasurer will provide a detailed report of all funds deposited and disbursed at every board meeting.    The Treasurer shall complete all required corporate reports filings, taxes, licenses etc. in coordination with the President.  The Treasurer shall collect monies from all participants on a payment plan and shall advise the Secretary if payment plans are not being met.  The Treasurer shall provide a $1,000 combined bank for giving change for both concessions and admissions on all game days. The Treasurer shall be responsible for running the admissions trailer at all home games. The Treasurer shall perform all duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors.   


6) Secretary 


The Secretary shall keep official minutes of all Board meetings and be responsible for providing notice to the Board of Directors as required by the By-Laws.  The Secretary will keep a register of the names and addresses of each member, participant, individual, office and Trustee of the Board.  The Secretary shall provide all the minutes and paperwork pertaining to Corsairs.  The Secretary shall oversee running the registration paperwork, including any league meeting associated with the process, compiling, and maintaining the book/digital book, and ensuring the book is present as directed by the league, maintaining our registration website, and any other registration paperwork required.  The Secretary will work with the Treasurer on payment plans, collecting debts, and accounts of each participant.  The Secretary as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down. The Secretary is responsible for monitoring the team email as well as updating and maintaining the team drive. The Secretary shall maintain a record of passwords for all team accounts. The Secretary will assist in creating a game schedule which includes date, time, and location. The Secretary will assist in maintaining Square/iChat (we will also include two (2) board members able to access both to maintain transparency, this should also include online banking.) The Secretary is responsible for game day documentation which may include  weigh-in sheets, spotter sheets, and booth rosters. Secretary will assist the Treasurer in running the front gate/admission trailer for all home games. The Secretary is responsible for one (1) of our two (2) debit cards. The Secretary will also perform all duties relevant to the office and other duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors. 


Section 17 Appointed Trustees 

1) Trustee of Communications

The Trustee of Communications shall be responsible for official communication and publication,  including but not limited to; updating the schedule, posting and setting reminders, relaying communication from the board and or organization directly to participants, via email, in person, social media or other communication outlets. The Communication Trustee, as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down, and shall assist with any task necessary. The Communication Trustee shall perform all duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors. 

2) Trustee of Concessions 

The Trustee of Concessions is responsible for the game day and practice field concessions.  The Trustee of Concessions is responsible for ordering, (Upon Board of Directors approval), stocking, and keeping inventory of all supplies for both practice field and game day concessions.  The Trustee will collect all monies owed to concessions.  All monies are to be counted by at least two Board members and a receipt provided before transferring funds to the Treasurer.  The Trustee shall recommend a budget and coordinate the funds expected and received during the course of the merchandising events directly with the Board of Directors and submit receipts and requests for reimbursement in a timely manner. The Concessions Trustee, as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down, and shall assist with any task necessary. The Concession Trustee shall perform all duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors. 


3) Trustee of Equipment  

The Trustee of Equipment is assigned the responsibility to inventory, certify, stock supplies, maintain and football equipment, cheer equipment, and clothing on behalf of the Association.  The Trustee will acquire Board of Directors approval and maintain adequate supplies of protective equipment so each participant of the program is provided proper gear.  The Equipment Trustee will ensure the inspection of equipment is complete including helmet recertification as needed.  The Equipment Trustee will keep records on all current and newly purchased items housed in the Waterford Corsairs equipment trailer.  The Equipment Trustee will oversee maintenance on all Corsair Equipment and trailers and transport or arrange to transport any trailers to where they may be needed on game day, at the practice field or other location. The Equipment Trustee, as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down, and shall assist with any task necessary. The Equipment Trustee shall perform all duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors. 


4) Trustee of Fundraising 

The Trustee of Fundraising is responsible for bringing recommendations of fundraising opportunities to the Board of Directors.  Upon Board of Directors approval, the Trustee of Fundraising will oversee the implementation and planning of these activities with the assistance of other Board members, general membership, and volunteers.  The Trustee will coordinate the funds expended and received during fundraising events directly with the Board of Directors and submit receipts and requests for reimbursement in a timely manner.  The Board of Directors must approve all promotional materials prior to the distribution to ensure that the appropriate message is being conveyed. The Fundraising Trustee, as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down, and shall assist with any task necessary. The Fundraising Trustee shall perform all duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors. 

5)  Trustee of Team Parents 

The Trustee of Team Parents will assist, train, and oversee the activities of each team parent.  Activities include, but are not limited to, maintaining and accurate record keeping of the team book that consists of player eligibility information, emergency contact information, health information, and equipment usage.  The Trustee is responsible for overseeing the coordination of game day field activities, the selling of event tickets and acting as the main liaison between the team parent and the Board or Directors.  The Trustee of Team Parents will supervise purchasing and approval for Parent’s Day gifts, trophies, and Coaches gifts.  The Trustee of Team Parents will provide each team parent with knowledge of the organization rules, policies, and procedures.  The Team Parent Trustee, as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down, and shall assist with any task necessary. The Team Parent Trustee shall perform all duties assigned by the President or Board of Directors. 

6) Trustee of Football 

The Trustee of Football may be required for game day operations such as weigh-in, making sure the sidelines are kept in an orderly manner, ensuring that coaches, volunteers, and participants are acting in accordance with the league rules, Corsair rules, by-laws, and Code of Conduct.  The Trustee of Football will also ensure that all football coaches, helpers, and participants are following the Code of Conduct and Rules established by the Waterford Corsairs Board of Directors.  The Trustee of Football is required to attend all board meetings and all league meetings.  The Trustee of Football, as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down, and shall assist with any task necessary. The Trustee of Football will perform all other duties as may be assigned by the Vice President of Football Operations or the Board of Directors.  


7) Trustee of Cheer


The Trustee of Cheer shall participate in game day operations making sure the sidelines are kept in an orderly manner, ensuring that coaches, volunteers, and participants are acting in accordance with the league rules, Corsair rules, by-laws, and Code of conduct.  The Trustee of Cheer will also ensure that all cheer coaches, helpers, and participants are following the Code of Conduct and Rules established by the Waterford Corsairs Football and Cheerleading Association.  The Trustee of Cheer is required to attend all board meetings and all league meetings.  The Trustee of Cheer, as well as all other board of directors will be at all home games from the time of setup to break down, and shall assist with any task necessary. The Trustee of Cheer will perform all other duties as may be assigned by the Vice President of Cheerleading Operations or the Board of Directors. 

Section 18:  Assistant to a Board of Director position. 


Board members may appoint someone to assist them as needed.  This person will be their assistant but would not have Board voting rights. This assistant must be in good standing with the Waterford Corsairs Football and Cheerleading Association and must comply with standard background check, etc. 

Section 19: Coaches 


Coaches shall be named and appointed each year at the end for the following year for approval by the previous year (outgoing) Executive Board.  All assistant coaches must be approved by the Board.





All Corporate documents (including but not limited to, stocks, bonds, agreement, insurance, and annuity contracts, checks, notes, disbursements, loans, and debt obligations) shall be signed by no fewer than two officers authorized by the Board of Directors or these Bylaws.  Checking and savings account authorization will be among the President, Vice President of Franchise Operations, Secretary, GM of Football, and GM of Cheer.   All proprietary board and franchise information is confidential and may not be shared with anyone outside the Board of Directors, unless directed by the Board of Directors.  The Treasurer will receive a copy of all statements, balance the books monthly and provide audited statements to the full Board of Directors at each meeting.  The Treasurer will not have checking or saving account signing authorization.  The President, Vice President of Franchise Operations, GM of Football Operations,GM of Cheerleading Operations, and Secretary will have check signing ability. No two signers shall be members of the same household.  No signer shall be in the same household as the treasurer.  




The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December. 




The Waterford Corsairs Little League Association is affiliated with Waterford Township Parks and Recreation Department, and as such, adhere to and follow Waterford Township Parks and Recreation guidelines, policies and procedures concerning background checks.  Background checks are mandatory and required of all people applying for a Board of Directors position, Coaching or Assistant Coaching positions and those having regular contact with the kids on a day-to-day basis. 




The Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting may amend or repeal these Bylaws or adopt new Bylaws by vote of a majority of directors, if notice setting forth the terms of the proposal has been given and the proposal received prior to a regular meeting of the Board. It is the Secretary’s responsibility to update and distribute revisions to the Bylaws as needed. The Secretary shall make available a current set of Bylaws for use at regular meetings. 




These Bylaws shall become effective on the revised date of May 1, 2024.

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